Kendeka Prize for African Literature 2021

OPEN TO: those born in, or are citizens of any African country.
PRIZES: first prize will be KShs.100,000 while the 2nd and the 3rd  shall receive Kshs 50,000 and 25,000 for respectively.

Kendeka Prize for African Literature

Kendeka Prize for African Literature is accepting entries for its 2021 edition. This Prize will be awarded for the best piece of an unpublished short story, either fiction or creative non-fiction. The prize aims at giving African writers, especially the unpublished a platform on which to showcase their work. Through this platform, more people will have access to their work which will in turn inspire more writing.

Through this Prize, Africans will have an opportunity to not only telling their own stories but the freedom of telling them, as they are. This is because, for a long time, the ‘African Story’ has been told by foreigners, a people who purport to know Africa. They have ended up with a story of Africa, a single story of a hungry, warring, ailing and backward people, a story of a continent full of calamities. This is their new version of the story of the Dark Continent!

This kind of African story is what Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie warns against and calls it ‘The Danger of a Single Story’. She goes on to tell us “That when we reject the single-story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise”. This is the paradise that Kendeka Prize for African Literature aims at regaining.

Who Can Apply for Kendeka Prize for African Literature

  • Entrants must be born in, or are citizens of any African country.
  • One entry per writer.
  • Manuscripts should be between 3000 and 5000 words.
  • All entries must be in English.
  • Entries should be attached in Microsoft Word or Rich Text format, with the title of the story as the file name.
  • The first page of the story should include the name of the story and the number of words.
  • The entry must be typed in Times New Roman 12 point font with 1.5 line spacing.
  • Entries must be sent as attachments to an email.
  • The email to which the story is attached must include the legal name of the writer, telephone number, a short Bio, age, and country of residence.

Kendeka Prize for African Literature Prizes

  • The first prize will be KShs.100,000 while the 2nd and the 3rd  shall receive Kshs 50,000 and 25,000 for respectively.
  • The remaining two of the five shortlisted stories shall receive KShs 5,000 each.

How to Submit Entries for Kendeka Prize for African Literature

All longlisted stories shall be published in an anthology titled I Am listening, 2021 Edition. The prize shall be awarded at a ceremony to be held during the Nairobi International Book Fair.

Send unpublished manuscripts to

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