HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition 2021

OPEN TO: young writers from anywhere in the world.
PRIZES: £500 Senior and £1,000 Junior prize + more.

HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition

The HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition is accepting entries 2021 edition. The annual HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition offers a £500 Senior and £1,000 Junior prize and free publication of all shortlisted entries in a quality, professionally published paperback anthology. This year’s theme is “Mask” and can be interpreted any way you wish.

HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition Prizes

  • A prize of £1,000 for the under 21 years winner and
  • A grand prize of £500  for the over 21 years winner

Who can Participate in HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition

  • There are two competitions: The Margaret and Reg Turnill Competition for young writers of 21 years and under, and competition for those over 21 years of age.
  • There are no entry fees for those aged 21 years and under on 12th July 2021. Over 21s must pay an entry fee of £10 or £5 for those with student id. Details for payment are shown on the entry form. Each story must be submitted on a separate entry form and accompanied by a fee where appropriate.
  • Proof of age and/or student id may be required for any entry entered in the Under 22 or at the reduced student price. This proof may be requested by email after the close of entries and prior to the publication of a shortlist.
  • All submissions should be the writer’s original work.
  • Copyright remains with the author.
  • The story may not be published elsewhere.

How to Submit Entries for HG Wells Fiction Short Story Competition

The 2021 HG Wells Short Story Competition will close on 12th July 2021. They only accept entries online via their website.

All entries must relate to the theme for this year’s Competition: MASK.

Entrants must read the Competition Rules before submitting their story/stories.

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